Subject: [Tweeters] Now available, "Birding in Snohomish County & Camano Island" book
Date: Wed Nov 22 19:12:36 PST 2023
From: Brian Zinke - zinke.pilchuck at

Hi Tweets,

We're excited to announce the expanded and revised 3rd edition of our "*Birding
in Snohomish County & Camano Island*" book is now available for pre-sale!

*Book description:*

*A full-color, updated and expanded 3rd edition of Philip Zalesky's
original book, Birding in Snohomish County and Camano Island, 3rd Edition
is a celebration of the variety and bountiful birding locations in the
area. With habitats ranging from marine to alpine, the diversity of species
that can be found here is a birder's dream. This new edition covers more
than 80 locations, noting general information about the sites and which
birds are common at each. Philip Zalesky's original site descriptions have
been revised and updated, including new observations, recent sightings, and
historical and natural history information. Our local birders have added
their own interesting anecdotes, including the many ways things have
changed since the 2nd edition was published in 2001. Local bird
photographers have contributed over 100 full-color photographs showing the
splendor of our local birds and the wondrous beauty of the birding habitats
found in our area. A checklist includes all 355 species of birds ever
sighted in Snohomish County and Camano Island. We hope this book will guide
you to new areas you haven't explored yet, or give you an idea of where to
start if you're visiting Western Washington*.

Learn more about the book on our website:

Currently offering 15% off on pre-sale orders before December 4th, just use
discount code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout.


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Brian Zinke
Executive Director
phone: (425) 232-6811
email: director at
Pilchuck Audubon Society
1429 Avenue D, PMB 198, Snohomish, WA 98290
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