Subject: [Tweeters] Pine Grosbeaks
Date: Fri Nov 24 12:59:22 PST 2023
From: Peter Wimberger - phwimberger at
Hi All,
Following up on Steve's forward of remarkable
crossbill movements, I wanted to let folks with finch interests know that
there is an unusually large congregation of Pine Grosbeaks at Pearrygin
State Park outside of Winthrop (Okanogan Co). Two days ago I counted 35
flying's out of one tree while at least another 20 were perched in nearby
tree. At least 60 for the day and likely more. The eBird high count for
the state is 80 (2008). Cassin's Finches were also unusually abundant.
There were also a couple of other unusual birds for the Methow at the
Pearrygin WDFW boat launch by Silverline Resort - a Red-necked and a
Western Grebe. If you're in the area, 1-2 white-winged Scoters were hanging
out at Big Twin Lake.
Good birding,
Peter Wimberger
Tacoma, WA
*Peter Wimberger*
*Director Emeritus, Puget Sound Museum of Natural History*
*Professor Emeritus, Biology*