Subject: [Tweeters] To 're-' name or not to,
those are the things we all can question... and discuss
Date: Sat Nov 25 17:22:09 PST 2023
From: Laurel Parshall - knasnan at
Many thought provoking views and varying points along our individual
'perches' of our life spectrums.
Based on Hal Michael's mention of the Hawaiian name Akohekohe selected for
the previous English used Crested Honeycreeper, with the meaning being
female genitalia, what do we know about how that name came to be used? Was
it merely descriptive, derogatory or empowering? Doubtful that we will ever
sort that out. Likely it will be used for any one of those, depending on
the intention and the perception of the receiver.
It did lighten my mind and then provoke my response.
Our world is rounded, with billions of points of view. I do enjoy the
bird's-eye one whether I will ever understand it or not.
Laurel Parshall in Gig Harbor/Key Peninsula kehlilanasnan at Yahoo the dot